Friday, February 25, 2011

Kittens indoors, but web-cam fails again

After much hassle yesterday, I finally coaxed both kittens, Buddy and Billy, indoors.
Now they can't pester Mama in the barn or eat her food or, most importantly, get caught in the trap.

This might be my last (and best) chance to trap their very pregnant mother.

It's a race against time.

Late last night, I baited the trap for Mama with broiled chicken.
Twice, I woke up in the middle of the night to check it.

Alas, it remained empty.

I decided early this morning that I'd sweeten the pot.

I ambled outside (I'm an avid ambler) to add some sardines to the mix, when who else but ol' Mama scampers out from the shed.

I decided early this morning that I'd sweeten the pot.
I ambled outside to add some sardines to the mix. Mama came scampered out from the barn, so pregnant now she's practically waddling.

She might very well have been sitting in there all night next to the chicken, but somehow she managed to resist it. (My buddy Steve and I have been trying desperately to set up a web-cam in the barn so I can monitor it from my laptop. But time and time again, we've failed.)

Now with an hour to go until All About Animals' 10 a.m. deadline, I wait with baited trap and bated breath, hoping today's the day.

Looking out my kitchen window, I think Mama's back in the shed.
But with no webcam, I can't say for sure.

I sit here dejected, my clothes and slippers drizzled in sardine oil.

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